Re-Download P.T. On macOS
Before you start reading this, please be aware that this will ONLY work if you have previously purchased P.T. on PSN!
Update: This guide was originally written on 09/24/2017. As of 09/03/2021, this is tested and working under PS4 system software 8.52, macOS 10.15.7 and Squidman 4.2. I have edited a few things for clarity and added new information.
Konami, why do you do these things?
I didn't have a PlayStation 4 until 2016, but being a fan of Kojima and Silent Hill I was very aware of P.T.. When they made the announcement that it was being removed from PSN, I quickly went and "purchased" the game and felt pretty confident that I'd be able to play it when I did have a PS4. Then word started getting out that the game was being removed so thoroughly that you couldn't even re-download it.
After some time, a method surfaced for re-downloading the game using a proxy. All credit goes to Orangpelupa, because I'm basically just modifying his work for macOS.
I had dual booting set up on a late 2008 MacBook, but from poking around in the information that Orangelupa provided I figured that there was no reason this couldn't work natively in macOS. Too often the reply for Mac users is "just dual boot Windows or install a VM," but this is frequently unnecessary. All that needed to be done to run this was a few modifications of Orangelupa's squid template providing instructions for how the proxy server handles the request from the PS4. I'm not sure if these were errors in how it was originally written or if Squid had just changed how it handled commands since the original guide was written.
How does this work?
I won't get too into the weeds with the explanation. What we're doing is requesting the file for P.T. on the PS4. SquidMan is intercepting that request and re-directing it from Sony's servers to a backed up copy of the P.T. PKG that's stored on, specifically this one.
This works because as far as your PS4 is concerned, it's getting the file from Sony's servers and your account has the license for said file. This is why having purchased P.T. while it was available is a requirement for this to work.
What do I need?
That's really all you need; no crossover cables or anything extra. It doesn't really matter how your computer and your PS4 are connected, as long as they're all on the same network. I have my PS4 wired to the router and my laptop connected via wi-fi and there's no issue whatsoever.
At long last... how-to:
Download SquidMan and run it, it'll need to install some data.
Once the install is finished click on the SquidMan tab on the menu bar (next to the Apple logo) and select preferences, then pick the "Template" tab. Paste in the template from here. Alternately, right click and save as from here and copy and paste the text from the document.
Once you have the template pasted hit save. Click on "Start Squid." Leave SquidMan running through the remainder of this process.
Next, open up Terminal and run this command:
ifconfig |grep inet
This is going to give you a list of IP addresses. You can get your IP address from your router or anywhere else too, but I like using the Terminal and everyone should learn to. It's the quickest way to interact with your computer and perform a lot of actions. You'll get a variety of addresses back. You're going to look for one after a text string that says "inet." It should start with 192.168.X.X, where the Xs are actual numbers and not just Xs.
From here, we're just following Orangelupa's original instructions, which I re-typed and cleaned up for the sake of clarity;
On your PS4:
- Go to Network Settings and choose Set Up Internet Connection.
- Select Wi-Fi or LAN, whichever you're using to connect your PS4 to the internet.
- Pick the following: Custom -> Automatic -> Do Not Specify -> Automatic -> Automatic
- On the Proxy Server screen select "Use"
- In "Address" enter the IP address that we found using Terminal.
- Orangelupa's original instructions specified to change the port to 808, however I was only able to get this to work leaving the port at the default 8080.
- Complete the setup by testing the internet connection.
Once this is finished you should be able to find P.T. in your library, hit download and be good to go. It appears that there can be some issues with this if you have a download that had encountered an errror previously, as the original instructions note;
Download P.T. (Silent Hills) on PS4: 1. Go to DOWNLOAD notification. 2. If P.T. download error was there, press OPTIONS then DELETE (if its not there, you are OK). 3. Go to LIBRARY. 4. Choose P.T. 5. DOWNLOAD P.T.
I hope that helped out any less savvy macOS users that were wanting to play P.T.! I imagine there were literally dozens of you.
Obligatory crappy picture of my download screen, I was pretty excited: